
Frequently asked questions

What can my child learn from attending an Emotional Mastery Workshop?

Our Emotional Mastery Workshops have equipped young people with the critical skills they need to understand, manage, and express their emotions in healthy ways, leading to better outcomes in school, at home, and in their communities. By teaching emotional intelligence, we help families communicate more effectively, reducing conflict and fostering stronger relationships. As these young people grow into emotionally resilient individuals, they positively impact their communities, creating environments where empathy, understanding, and cooperation thrive. Ultimately, this ripple effect extends to the world, contributing to a more peaceful and emotionally intelligent global society.

What is learned about violence prevention?

Participants in our violence prevention workshops have learned valuable tactics to de-escalate conflict and navigate challenging situations with grace.

When is the next TAG Workshop?

Subscribers and donors will receive newsletters of upcoming and past events. Please subscribe to get more information.

How can I (We) sponsor your programs? 

You can get involved by volunteering, partnering our events, or becoming a sponsor by visiting the sponsorship page.

How can we get TAG involved at our establishment?

Please contact the founder Selina Joy Jackson, M.A. at selina@superachievement.net and submit details of your request.